Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Job #2 - I wonder why

   I was wondering why Ambrose Bierce wrote about different things in his story in a way that you would think you understood what was happening and then there would be a surprise or plot twist. Examples that I can think of are when Peyton hears that death toll sound that ends up being his watch and the soldier that came and told about the bridge ended up being the enemy. Really the whole story is a surprise when you reach the end!

   I think that it is interesting and neat how Ambrose Bierce would use just one simple sentence to change what you thought about many sentences. Maybe he did it so the story would make more of an impact, I know it made more of an impact on me when I would suddenly realize the truth of an event or sound. Could be he just wanted us to wonder why he did itJ.


  1. If he didn't add all the parts of the story between Peyton falling from the bridge and when he is about to embrace his wife the twist ending wouldn't have been as good (there really wouldn't be a twist ending at all). I really like twist endings and the abruptness of this one made it all the better.

    1. I am the same way. Plot twists are the absolute best!

  2. I think one of the reasons he wrote it like that was first: to keep the reader engaged, but then once the reader finished the book and realized what was actually happening the whole time, there is an impulse to reread the whole book to watch for the different things they had surpassed earlier.

    1. Yes! I agree with you Kayla. It is a way of writing that pulls you into the story and makes you want to look farther into the story.

    2. Agreed.I love how Bierce writes son that the reader experiences exactly what the character does.

  3. Wouldn't you like to be able to meet Ambrose Bierce himself & ask all these questions? He was pretty prickly so I am imagining him to be a bit intimidating. But I still think, if I had a time machine, I would sit down with him for a chat :)

    1. As would I. I think it would be interesting to learn about the thought process that went into creating this story.

    2. Oh my yes! I feel like a lot of thought was put into this story, that's why it takes so much thought to try to understand it!

  4. As you said Sarah, he would use one simple sentence that would ultimately change your view on things said in the past. I think it was really well written in that way. He was able to give a small amount of information and change your previous opinions.

  5. I feel like Bierce must of spent a lot of timing pondering how the human mind works. He perfectly draws you in and baits you into thinking one thing but changes your whole view with a few simple words.
